Tiptree & District Flower Club     Tiptree Garden Club

Tiptree & District Flower Club

Meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month 

in St. Luke’s Church extension at 19:30.

Tel: 01621 815748

The club comprises around 70 members. The meeting usually starts with a demonstration by a National Association of Flower Arrangement demonstrator or an experienced club member. The arrangements are raffled to supplement club funds. There is a regular plant stall and a sale table for materials. Occasionally, there is a cake and book stall to raise funds.

Classes are organised in flower arranging and there are seasonal competitions every few months.

Tiptree Garden Club                           

 Image of Tiptree Garden Club Logo

Meets on the 1st Thursday of the month

in St. Luke's Church extension at 20:00                

Tel: 01621 813040

   or 01621 817203


We have a variety of speakers; there is also a plant stall, raffle and refreshments.

Cost is £5 annual membership and £2 for monthly meetings or £3 as a visitor.

We also have 2 shows a year, Spring and Autumn. For more details see our web site.