Tiptree War Memorial    

The cross roads near Factory Corner

(junction of Church and Chapel Roads) 


Please follow the link to access the research on the WW1 names and WW2 names

A Picture of Tiptree War Memorial


They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old;

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn,

At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

We will remember them.
     When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say,
For Their Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today


The following men of Tiptree and District gave their lives during The Great War of 1914 to 1918

A. F. Ager MM         

Andrew Frederick

C. Hart


G. Moss         


A. Strutt         

Arthur James William

R. Ager         


A. W. Harvey

Alfred Walter

W. Newman


H. W. Swann

Harold William

A. E. Appleton

Albert Edward

C. Hellen


E. Patten


C. Taylor


H. W. Bacon

Herbert William

C. A. Holgate MM          

Charles Alfred

A. Polley


E. W. Taylor

Ernest William

G. W. Bell

George William

A. C. Hull

Albert Charles

C. H. Rawlingson          

Cecil Harold

J. W. Taylor

James William

W. Bendall

Walter William

F. Hull


A. E. Rawlinson

Albert Edward

R. Taylor

Richard Henry

A. M. Bond

Alfred Maurice

L. Hull

Leonard Charles

S. Ruffle

Stanley Harold

C. E. Thorn

Charles Erskine

G. W. Bonner

George William

W. A. Hull

Walter Alfred

A. Sach


H. H. Wager

Herbert Henry

A. Cottee


W. Ketley


G. Sach


W. J. Waller

William James

G. Cottee


H. Knight

Henry John (Harry)

P. Scott


H. B. Wilcock

Henry Blamires

R. T. Frost

Mentioned in Despatches  

Richard Thomas

W. Lewis

William Wood

G. Shawyer

Gilbert Henry

F. Wright


H. W. Gomer

Herbert William

A. Loan


J. Steward



F. V. Hall

Frederick Vincent

J. W. Long

John Winchester

S. Steward



B. Harrington


J. A. Morris


W. Stoppard

William Henry



The following men of Tiptree and District gave their lives during The Second War of 1939 to 1945

F. R. Bowers

Fred Robert

A. G. Hellen

Albert George

A. L. Manning

Arthur Leslie Manning


C. W. Taylor

William Charles

A. J. Crampin

Alan Joseph

A. R. K. Hull          

Alfred Ronald Keith   

D. Mason         

Derek Charles Langham-Mason   


L. C. Watts

Leslie Clarence

R. F. Collins

Reginald Frederick   

C. A. Hull

Colin Albert Hull

G. P. Olley

Gordon Patrick


L. G. Welham MM

Leonard George

F. J. Finch

Frederick John

O. P. Hull

Owen Percy

C. W. Perreman




J. Harvey


F. G. Last

Frederick George

E. A. Rogers

Earnest Alfred



L. B. Harvey

Lawrence Bert

J. Langohr


R. R. Ruffell

Ronald Richard




The following men of Tolleshunt Knights gave their lives during The Second War of 1939 to 1945

Albert John Sterling Meakes    

Eric Alfred French

George Charles Stone

Sydney StJohn Berhondo

Claude Edward Wakeling



The following men are listed with relatives in Tiptree on the Commonwealth War Graves for WW1

Albert Carter 17.04.1917; Son of Mr H. Carter of Shrub Cottage, Tiptree


Arthur Charles Edwards 21.08.1918; son of Charles Ford Edwards and Ellen E. Edwards of West Cottage, D’Arcy Road, Tiptree

James Hume 02.12.1918; son of James and Sarah Hume, husband of Alice Mary Hume of Maldon Road, Tiptree


Joseph Lester 31.07.1917; husband of Mrs. E. Lester of Maldon Road, Tiptree

Henry Arthur Shave 22.10.1917; son of Philip and Alice Shave of Theobalds Farm, Inworth, Tiptree


Ernest John Smith 03.07.1916; son of James and Sarah Smith of Barfields Row, Tiptree


The following men are buried in Tiptree and are listed on the Commonwealth War Graves for WW2

Gilbert G. Patten (URC)   

Arthur John Hoggar (St. Luke’s)


The following men are listed with relatives in Tiptree on the Commonwealth War Graves for WW2 

John Reginald Bendall   

Percy Ernest Freeman

John Allen Hudson   


Emily Kate Harvey of Tiptree died at the Hoffmann Works in Chelmsford on 19.12.1944